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SubjectRe: Memory hole at 15M
> 	If you get a reply to your question please pass it on to me. I just
> upgraded to what sounds like the same setup and I have problems starting
> X. The machine just freezes. I got around the kernel only seeing 16M by
> passing a mem=32M param to loadlin.
> Intel Triton II HX 512K - Frontier motherboard
> Intel 133Mhz
> 32M EDO
> Diamond Stealth 3D 3000 PCI video card using XF86_S3V server.

*very* different problem...
[only] this card doesn't work with the XFree86 3.2 server binary out of the box!

it wasn't tested before 3.2 was released since we didn't get any card
from Diamond in time (or any beta tester with such a card).
and Diamond has a slightly different (and in my eyes incorrect) BIOS setup
than any other manufacturer which then triggered a bug in S3V server :-(

if anyone has such a card (or knows of anyone having it) and plain 3.2 XF86_S3V
doesn't work, please contact me directly and ask for a fix...

All SCSI disks will from now on ___ _____
be required to send an email notice 0--,| /OOOOOOO\
24 hours prior to complete hardware failure! <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\
Harald Koenig, \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik // / \\ \ ^^^^^ ^^^^^

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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:38    [W:0.029 / U:0.480 seconds]
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