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SubjectRe: "legal" advice required
On Fri, 27 Dec 1996, Grant R. Guenther wrote:

> Now, this presents me with a problem. I can build a driver that doesn't
> contain the initialisation sequence - assuming that the user will
> initialise the drive with the DOS driver - and then boot into Linux.
> I could also provide a small tool to extract the sequence from the
> from the DOS driver and make a suitable data definition to be included in
> the driver - so people who have the DOS driver can build a Linux driver
> that contains the initialisation sequence.
> Or, I could include the binary sequence as a data definition - since it
> is unintelligible on its own, is useless without the device itself, and
> carries no intrinsic copyright.

Hmm, if I were you, I'd require that your driver at least saw the dos
driver at build time (ie build a util to take the code/data/... from the
dos driver, build the linux driver with that),

Alternitavly write a userspace initaliser that does the same. Like the
Ensoniq SoundScape sound card has a ssinit.exe (supplied by Ensoniq), and
a linux ssinit (third party) that operates through the sound driver to
initalise the card (uploades microcode to the card). It's easier in this
case as the microcode is seperate already. Also either built with the
code/data/... from the dos driver, or if the extraction code is small
enough, do it on the fly ....

You'll have to make sure that you always get the right code tho, you can't
assume it won't change (in newer versions), and you can't assume that
it'll stay at a static ofset (in newer versions). You proberbly can
assume that it's not going to change size (tho ...).

> In the interest of ease of use - especially considering it will most
> often be newcomers who want to use this thing - I'd prefer to take the
> third option.

Well init the card with this util before you use it, you need to have the
dos driver about as well btw isn't that hard ...

> I know some of these issues have been discussed before, but I'd like to
> hear opinions and recommendations.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Grant R. Guenther
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence
again :( and I don't care ;) | initiated.
/ This space is intentionally left
| blank, apart from this text ;-)

 \ /
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