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SubjectRe: Ok, very stable kernel bug found.

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, James Hughes wrote:

> > > What if they're running WinNT?? :(
> >
> > They aren't. Anyone running that weird an OS couldn't reach out into space
> > that far. (Though the Borg seem to be getting along pretty well with their
> > Novell Netware...)
> Darn! I tyhought we might be able to SYN Flood their communication
> links, then strike while they're witing on the tech support queue for
> someone to tell them that there will be a fix in next years release. I
> guess we're doomed;(

I guess we aren't... There are ways to dispose of them.

1. Let them assimilate the German monopolistic telecommunications company.
Their connections would keep breaking down, and besides, they couldn't
afford them anymore.

2. Let them assimilate Bill Gates - so they'll install Windows 95, which
would eventually lead to a total system breakdown, caused by a
segmentation fault in realmode.

3. Assimilation is futile - you will be resisted!

4. This is Internet of Earth. We are already networked. No need to
assimilate us.

Well, at least one of them should work... Or maybe a combination of (1)
and (2)... Win95 and bad lines are too much for anyone...


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