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    SubjectRealtime Linux
    I am presently evalutating the specs of RT-Linux as available from It looks like a simple and clean
    implementation that should work about as well as PC hardware can
    work for simple Hard-RT applications.

    One of my concerns that that interest in RT-Linux may be dropped
    and it will discontinue being updated. I am quite willing to help
    support the project but don't have the resources to keep it up
    to date on my own. I wrote to Michael Barabanov <>
    with a few questions and haven't recieved any reply. To be fair
    is has only been a couple of days other than the weekend since I
    wrote. Michael Barabanov is the developer/maintainer of the web
    site but it is unclear who developed the patch.

    It would be helpful to hear from those who are using RT-Linux,
    those that are interested in RT-Linux and from Linus with any
    input he might have on RT-Linux sometime being included in
    the standard kernel sources. Under what conditions might a
    version (or other implementation) of RT-Linux be included?

    Note that RT-Linux goes far beyond POSIX-RT in that it goes
    under the kernel and tests have shown the processes can be
    scheduled and interrupts can be services with aproximately
    15uS latency/resolution. I suspect that RT-Linux is (at least
    presently) incompatible with SMP. This is one aspect I would
    hope might change sometime.

    I need to have some idea of the level of interest/support
    for RT-Linux before choosing it for a few projects.


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