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SubjectRe: ftape

On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Brian Kimball wrote:

> My gateway system (G6-200 XL) came with a tape drive, i believe an
> iomega ditto internal unit. I'd like to do backups now that my hdd is
> making strange noises, but I have no idea where to start in the kernel
> ftape makefile. My docs that came with my computer don't tell my
> anything.
> How can I find the correct values for FDC_BASE, FDC_IRQ, and FDC_DMA?

Ok, assuming it's on the same controler as the floppy (it dosn't have to
be, tho), if you mount a floppy (to make the floppy drive use it's
irq/ioport/dma), you'll get something like this:

root@gytha:/proc# cat interrupts
6: 6 + floppy
root@gytha:/proc# cat dma
2: floppy
root@gytha:/proc# cat ioports
03f0-03f5 : floppy
03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR

or FDC_BASE = 0x03f0, FDC_IRQ = 6, and FDC_DMA = 2. If it's on some sort
of turbo fd controller, you could try looking at it's jumpers (if it's not
plug&pray), or look at it's settings in Win95 (control panel, hardware
tab (I think), find it, properties button, advanced button, resorces tab
read them off ...

Or you could try reading the Ftape-HOWTO (ie RTFM). It (the Ftape-HOWTO)
sais (8bit bullits changed to "-" for the sake of not making the not
offending people with Quoted Printable):

5. Hardware support

5.1. Supported tape drives

All drives that are both QIC-117 compatible and one of the QIC-40, 80,
3010, and 3020 standards should work. QIC-WIDE and Travan drives are
also supported (TR-1 is just QIC-80 with 8mm tapes, while TR-2 and
TR-3 is a.k.a QIC-3010 and 3020 respectively).

Currently, the list of drives that are known to work with ftape is:

- Alloy Retriever 250

- Archive 5580i / XL9250i

- Colorado DJ-10 / DJ-20 (aka: Jumbo 120 / Jumbo 250)

- Colorado 1400

- HP Colorado T1000

- Conner C250MQ(T), TSM420R, TSM850R, TST800R, TST3200R

- Escom / Archive (Hornet) 31250Q

- Irwin 80SX / Insight 80Mb

- Iomega 250

- Iomega Ditto Tape Insider 420, 1700, 3200

- Mountain FS8000

- Reveal TB1400

- Summit SE 150 / SE 250

- Tallgrass FS300 (needs a tiny hack to work with AHA1542B)

- Memorex tape drive backup system

- Wangtek 3040F, 3080F

You can always check out the newest list of drives that are recognised
by ftape, by looking in the file vendors.h in the ftape distribution.

Although I do not want to endorse one drive type over another, I want
to mention that the Colorado DJ-20 drive is rather noisy, when
compared to, say, a Conner C250MQ drive ('tis said that the Colorado
is 5-10 times as noisy as the Conner drive. I can't tell for sure, but
I have a Colorado, and it is quite noisy).

If you have a Tallgrass FS300 and an AHA1542B, you need to increase
the bus-on / bus-off time of the 1542B. Antti Virjo
(<>), says that changing CMD_BUSON_TIME to 4 and
CMD_BUSOFF_CMD to 12 in linux/drivers/scsi/aha1542.c will do the

NOTE: If you have a drive that works fine, but it is not listed here,
please send a mail to the HOWTO maintainer (<>).

5.2. Supported special controllers

These dedicated high-speed tape controllers are supported by ftape:

- Colorado FC-10, FC-20

- Mountain MACH-2

- Iomega Tape Accelerator II

- 2Mbps controllers (using the i82078-1 fdc)

Support for the FC-10 controller has been merged into the ftape driver
in version 1.12. See the RELEASE-NOTES and the Makefile files in the
ftape distribution. Since of version 2.03 of ftape, the FC-20
controller will work (but do check the Release notes!).

The support for the MACH-2 controller was added in ftape-1.14d.

To use the IOmega Tape Accelerator II, use -DMACH2, and set the right
settings for I/O base, IRQ and DMA. This works (by the empirical
testing of Scott Bailey <>), with at least

5.2.1. Iomega Ditto Dash and other 2Mbps controllers

The Iomega Ditto Dash, and all other known 2Mbps controllers, use the
Intel 82078-1 chip, which can run at 2Mbps. Support for the 82078-1
is currently under development. It is hoped that the support will be
completed during january or february.

Current status is that it will work at 1Mbps, with 2Mbps support
coming soon (i hope!).

> Will I have to make the devices after booting the kernel or will the
> automatically appear? If I do have to make them, how can I do that?

Depends, if you build it in the kernel (if it's posable, I don't know),
it's there from when you boot, or it will automagically get loaded as and
when you use it (kerneld runs modprobe), otherwise you'll have to load it
your self as and when you want to use it (you run modprobe).

> Sorry for being so clueless. :)

Well while I'm repling, the correct list that this mail should have gone
to is (headers corrected), and the HOWTO can
be found at (read it before
posting questions, they'll most likly be answered there already).

> thanks.
> Brian
PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence
again :( and I don't care ;) | initiated.
/ This space is intentionally left
| blank, apart from this text ;-)

 \ /
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