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SubjectRe: OFF TOPIC [was]Re: Linux needs control.exe
On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Robin Becker wrote:

> Joe User often is as baffled by the terminology as anything else & a
> poorly designed GUI control panel won't help. I'm no fan of Billy, but
> Win 95 is nearly there. The distressing thing is that we're all

Win 95 is simplified for the user:

User: What does this configuration thing do?
You: It allows you to modify you settings, for networking,
hardware, protocols, ...
User: Whoa! Layman's terms, please!
You: It changes stuff.
User: That's what I'm looking for! What can it change?
You: This part change IP forwarding. It allows ...
User: Simplify, simplify! What can it do for ME?
You: Nothing, until you understand it.
User: Well it makes me uncomfortable. It looks so technical;
Get rid of it, I want a system *I* can understand.
You: But...
User: Hey, who's system is this anyway?
You: (... rm this, rm that, rm /etc/* ...) "All done."

> --
> Robin Becker
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