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SubjectRe: backing up configuration
First, there is *most_likely* a more appropriate list for such
Second, I am guilty of posting such questions here myself :-)

In answer to your question, I would suggest something more like:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/net/someremote/host.image bs=16384

that will get absolutely everything on /dev/hda as a single image,
not as a file. naturally you could then run gzip host.image if
you choose to. Now what's the bit about writing zeros? Is there
nothing on this disk? Do you _just_ want the MBR? If it's a DOS
partition MBR you want, you can do:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/tmp/MBR bs=446 count=1

That will copy your MBR to a file called /tmp/MBR which you can then
put back in place by using the same command reversing the of/if.

hope this helps...


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