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SubjectRe: "raw" block devices?
In, article <>,
David Monro <> writes:
> Also this allows eg database systems to be given a slice of disk which they
> are in complete control of, and can maybe manage better than the normal
> buffering (known access patterns etc).
That's possible even with a "cooked" partition.

> 2) Because of the above, it should be possible to get data straight from the
> device into user memory without any copying.

You can always mmap things. Linus also saif that in the future, if you read
a page-sized and aligned chunk Linux is likely to just remap the page
instead of copying.

> Actually I guess what is needed is not necessarily a new device, but possibly
> an extra (non-portable, but hey) flag for open (and maybe mmap?) to say `don't
> cache this, I'm not going to see it again'. The device is just a way of
> saying this without having to code it in the program.
That might actually be a good idea.

> Am I missing something really obvious here? (Note - even if mmap didn't trash
> cache, which I am certain it does (page cache?) it doesn't work for this - try
> mmapping something >4Gb :-( )
Of course mmap works for data sets > 4 GBytes. You just need a 64-bit CPU...
...I expect Digital will happily sell you one. ;-)

Besides, llseek() also exists, and you can keep the control structures and
indices mmap()ed in the lower Gbyte and read() the actual data.

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