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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/3] x86/resctrl: Move setting task's active CPU in a mask into helpers
    On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 01:24:51PM -0800, Reinette Chatre wrote:
    > How about:
    > "Move the setting of the CPU on which a task is running in a CPU mask into a
    > couple of helpers.
    > There is no functional change. This is a preparatory change for the fix in
    > the following patch from where the Fixes tag is copied."

    Almost. Just not call it a "following patch" because once this is
    applied, the following one might be a different one depending on the
    ordering a git command has requested. So a "later patch" would be
    probably better.

    > Correct. I will add it. The addition to the commit message above aims to
    > explain a Fixes tag to a patch with no functional changes.

    Yes but you need to tell the stable people somehow that this one is a
    prerequisite and that they should pick it up too.

    Unless you can reorg your code this way that you don't need patch 1...



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      Last update: 2020-12-08 10:52    [W:3.785 / U:0.140 seconds]
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