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SubjectAxi X: A Mass Commercial Nix Based O.S. (Fair Pay initiative as earlier discussed)
I hereby announce Axi X, a mass commercial O.S. based on Nix.

Logo even with colorcoding hints.

And a roadmap for fair pay unity in East and West, based on La Guad. If
that is science or La Quran, as we think ultimately a standard Ibrahimic
expression is needed.

Some examples of my mascot work and the O.S. link itself.

I started work early on with this, as Bit o 3-D. A usergames client with
3rd party work seems perfect for nix, and will be the best economy for
games. Also many younger people can make games with this. And if skilled
aquired can go ultimately into source aswell. (Known in Amiga culture
already with the module Style Blend here also, if anyone remembers this,
which it seems many do.)

Was in some demo crews, and Majic 12, at the age of 16. The channel Tov
Crew reminisces on this.

And went on to do the new club music that came with IT, called Trance.
As I knew programming, this also was mascot culture, for what I now call
Axi X.

Later did research on Monotheism, and have had top 1% research on, that now is the basis for Axi X.

Axi X, begun on separate channel!

Hail La Guad!

Ywe Cærlyn

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  Last update: 2020-12-14 12:20    [W:0.060 / U:0.396 seconds]
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