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SubjectRe: [PATCH 01/23] intel_sst: Save audio state across D3 on Medfield
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 10:53:16PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > To recap the previous discussion: staging is just not in the slightest
> > bit viable for ASoC stuff, code that does anything non-trivial is going
> Yes I know that - and its active development of a nice clean driver going
> on upstream so doesn't belong there anyway. The ASoC driver should
> probably have its own copy of the bits of the staging driver that it
> needs however.
> I can fix this collision up easily enough and if doing it not via the
> rules is best fine by me. I think it might be wiser however if the ASoC
> driver took its own copy of the bits it actually needed.

That sounds like a good idea.

Mark, can you try to let me know if you are patching staging code? If
you want to "own" a driver in the staging tree, that's fine, just let me
konw and I'll funnel patches to you for it (we do that for other staging

It's just that for times like this, when I have no idea that someone
else modified it in linux-next, and then patches fail to apply, that it
gets messy.


greg k-h

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  Last update: 2011-05-04 00:11    [W:0.053 / U:0.032 seconds]
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