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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] Easy and flexible testing script for Linux Kernel Developers
On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 20:41 -0700, Greg KH wrote:
> >
> > Should I try to get this into 2.6.37? Since it is a stand alone tool, I
> > can hardly expect that it would break anything else.
> I don't see why not, but perhaps you might want to wait for people to
> test it a bit? Then get it into .38?

That's sorta the catch-22. We want testers before pushing it into
mainline, but if it is in mainline we get more testers :-)

I'm not sure it makes a difference now if it goes in or if it does not.
Because it would reside in tools as a helper program, and will not
affect the quality of the kernel whether it's in the kernel tree or not.
Although, I could argue that it may help the quality of the kernel if it
is in the kernel tree because it may have more people testing the

One thing I worry about adding it to the tools directory. I could
imagine someone running the tool from the tools directly from the build
source that they are testing. If they do a bisect, a bisect may remove
the tools directory while its running. That would be an interesting
test ;-)

-- Steve

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