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SubjectRe: Multi kernel tree support on the same distro?
On 1/5/07, Auke Kok <> wrote:
> keeping 2 gcc's around usually is just a pain, but might also work.
> gcc-4.1.1 might give some problems with some packages and just work fine otherwise too,
> but 3.4.6 has just been known to work all around more.

I am planning in this fashion:-

gcc-3.4.x (latest in that tree) to build 2.4.34 kernel
gcc-4.1.x (latest in that tree) to build 2.6.20 kernel (once released)

And, all the required utils for these kernels.

There is no other option for me (this is fairly I can call as an
Experimental work, but this effort would add a lots for my work in the

> well, my own of course ;)

This am not so sure (totally new for me), but I shall really try
Lunar...thanks :-)

This time am looking to work with the OpenSuSE10.2 to create my kind
of environment. But, am not sure if there are any big issues. Else, I
may stick to FC6.

Only bottleneck would be the wrapping the utils as you have mentioned earlier.

> but perhaps that's too much work for you, lunar definately is rather spartan for most
> people, and maybe not what you prefer. OTOH it does give you almost all the freedom that
> LFS gives you, and often very stable.

Very true, but I shall have a look at that, thanks again.

> that's all you'd need to get started. I suggest shopping distros a bit. Even debian
> might already work a lot better. but the major distros like RH, SuSE are just not
> focussed on multi-booting 2.4/2.6 side-by-side anymore.

I have good exposure with Debain, especially with my Embedded domain
(ARM Linux). But, somehow I felt like am more comfortable with Fedora
or SuSE to do many other things (hmm, here I lack much of the Embedded
support compared to Debian).

This is my actual initiative; have to crack this problem.

Lastly, one question I didn't understand:-

Someone said in the reply to this thread that we shouldn't have 2
kernels on the same distro? I didn't understand here clearly *Why

> Cheers,
> Auke

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