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SubjectRe: additional oom-killer tuneable worth submitting?
> We add a new "oom_thresh" member to the task struct.
> We introduce a new proc entry "/proc/<pid>/oomthresh" to control it.
> The "oom-thresh" value maps to the max expected memory consumption for
> that process. As long as a process uses less memory than the specified
> threshold, then it is immune to the oom-killer.

You've just introduced a deadlock. What happens if nobody is over that
predicted memory and the kernel uses more resource ?
> On an embedded platform this allows the designer to engineer the system
> and protect critical apps based on their expected memory consumption.
> If one of those apps goes crazy and starts chewing additional memory
> then it becomes vulnerable to the oom killer while the other apps remain
> protected.

That is why we have no-overcommit support. Now there is an argument for
a meaningful rlimit-as to go with it, and together I think they do what
you really need.

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