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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/3] New firewire stack
    Ben Collins wrote:
    >> I would like to see new development efforts take cleanliness WRT host
    >> byte order and 64bit architectures into account from the ground up. (I
    >> understand though why Kristian made the announcement in this early
    >> phase, and I agree with him that this kind of development has to go into
    >> the open early.)
    > And yet endianness is not the focus from the ground up in Kristian's
    > work. That was my point.

    I don't know what you base this on, it's not true. Everything outside
    fw-ohci.c is endian aware and I know the two things I need to look into for
    fw-ohci: DMA programs and IEEE1394 headers. My plan was to develop the stack
    towards feature completeness and then test on big-endian and 64-bit platforms.

    If you're thinking of the bitfield problem BenH pointed out, that doesn't
    imply I didn't have endianess in mind when writing the code. As Stefan
    already mentioned, we use bitfields for wire data in the current stack. We
    have to sets of structs, one for big endian architectures and one for little
    endian architectures. My plan was to write big endian versions of these
    structs and then test on various architectures.

    So my bitfield approach doesn't work and I haven't gotten around to doing the
    big-endian testing yet, but don't mistake that for lack of endianess
    awareness. Of course, big endian and 64-bit architectures *must* work, but I
    contend that it can impact the overall design of the stack. It's a detail
    that you need to get right, not a design principle. But let's not argue this
    further, I'll post a new set of patches in a few days that work on big-endian
    and 64-bit.

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