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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH] ensure i_ino uniqueness in filesystems without permanent inode numbers (via idr)
Brad Boyer wrote:
> To be honest, I think it looks bad for someone associated with redhat
> to be suggesting that life should be made more difficult for those
> who write proprietary software on Linux. The support from commercial
> software is a major reason for the success of the RHEL product line.

The real reason for the success of the RHEL product line is that its been GPL
from the beginning. And commercial software saw it fit to leverage this
GPL-pool, which is OK, but to then come around and say that "The support
from commercial software is a major reason for the success of the RHEL
product line" is trying to portray the situation up-side-down.

This does not mean that we shouldn't allow non-GPL linkage, on the contrary,
I am even calling for a stable API for the benefit of everyone, but it's
probably the closed-source market's arrogant behavior that forces
GPL-developers to respond in kind. Which is rather sad, if you think about



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