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SubjectRe: util-linux: orphan

>> What about merging util-linux and procps?
> How? Which way?

In that all the following tools (and possibly files) which are
returned by `rpm ql procps` replace the util-linux counterparts, if
any. Note that rpm -ql might return less programs than actually
present in procps, since distributors need to choose which program to
pick from what {util-linux or procps}.

21:07 ichi:~ > rpm -ql procps
+ the stuff in /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/man

with the idea that you retain maintership over these. So my proposal/idea was
just one of how to package it.

> being bogged down in problems. One by one, the various
> Linux distributions switched over to my version of the code.
> So as you may imagine, I'd be rather nervous about letting
> procps get into that situation again. Bugs are yucky. Having
> multiple committers and no testing is a sure path to ruin.

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