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SubjectRe: Binary Drivers
Alexey Dobriyan wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 09:20:58PM +0000, James Porter wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I don't see any problem with binary drivers from hardware
>> manufacturers.
> Binary drivers from hardware manufacturers are crap. Learn it by heart.

That's your personal opinion! A lot other people (including me) have had
excellent experience with binary drivers!

>> Just because nvidia makes a closed source driver doesn't mean that we can't also
>> create an open source driver(limited functionality, reverse engineered,
>> etc.,etc.).
> We can.

The day you show me that the open-source driver is faster and more
stable then the binary driver, I'll switch. But until then I'll stay
with my binary driver. I haven't had any serious problems with it, in
fact, I'm very happy, so why should I want to switch?

I don't see Linux in such a political way like some of you do, for me
Linux is just like any other OS. There are good drivers and bad drivers.
And I don't care if they are open source or binary, I don't judge them
based on that, but based on how well they work and how good the support is.

> But users of binary drivers should be blocked from sending bug reports
> to kernel developers.

Most end-users will never get directly in touch with the kernel
developers. They'll first go to their distribution. Most Ubuntu users
don't even know what a kernel is (not that I use Ubuntu, but it's a
distribution that is widespread among the less experienced end-users and
people who switch to Linux from the windows world).

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