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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Add the ability to layer another driver over the serial driver
Am 11.12.2006 18:07 schrieb Corey Minyard:
> Tilman Schmidt wrote:
>> I was under the impression that line disciplines need a user space
>> process to open the serial device and push them onto it. Is there
>> a way for a driver to attach to a serial port through the line
>> discipline interface from kernel space, eg. from an initialization,
>> module load, or probe function?
> Module initialization functions run in a task context, so that's
> generally not a problem. The probe function depends on the driver,
> I guess, but most I have seen are in task context.

Could you be a bit more specific? If I write a module implementing a
line discipline, how would I go about having that line discipline
push itself onto a given serial port (specified for example through a
module parameter) immediately, during its own module initialization?
I can't seem to find an in-kernel interface for that.

Also, if I understand correctly, this would only work if the driver
is compiled as a module, but such a limitation seems to be frowned
upon within the kernel community. Any way around that?


Tilman Schmidt E-Mail:
Bonn, Germany
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