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SubjectRe: Kernel SCM saga.. (bk license?)
I was wondering if working on git, is in anyway, in violation of the
Bitkeeper license, which states that you cannot work on any other SCM
(SCM-like?) tool for "x" amount of time after using Bitkeeper ?


On Apr 8, 2005 10:12 AM, Linus Torvalds <> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> >
> > I'm playing with monotone right now. Superficially it looks like it
> > has tons of gee-whiz neato stuff... however, it's *agonizingly* slow.
> > I mean glacial. A heavily sedated sloth with no legs is probably
> > faster.
> Yes. The silly thing is, at least in my local tests it doesn't actually
> seem to be _doing_ anything while it's slow (there are no system calls
> except for a few memory allocations and de-allocations). It seems to have
> some exponential function on the number of pathnames involved etc.
> I'm hoping they can fix it, though. The basic notions do not sound wrong.
> In the meantime (and because monotone really _is_ that slow), here's a
> quick challenge for you, and any crazy hacker out there: if you want to
> play with something _really_ nasty (but also very _very_ fast), take a
> look at
> First one to send me the changelog tree of sparse-git (and a tool to
> commit and push/pull further changes) gets a gold star, and an honorable
> mention. I've put a hell of a lot of clues in there (*).
> I've worked on it (and little else) for the last two days. Time for
> somebody else to tell me I'm crazy.
> Linus
> (*) It should be easier than it sounds. The database is designed so that
> you can do the equivalent of a nonmerging (ie pure superset) push/pull
> with just plain rsync, so replication really should be that easy (if
> somewhat bandwidth-intensive due to the whole-file format).
> Never mind merging. It's not an SCM, it's a distribution and archival
> mechanism. I bet you could make a reasonable SCM on top of it, though.
> Another way of looking at it is to say that it's really a content-
> addressable filesystem, used to track directory trees.
> -
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